ViewfindR Controls

Moving around the Scene
W, A, S, D Move forward, left, back, and right
Mouse movements Rotate view
Left Shift Run
Space bar Jump
Selecting and placing Interactable objects
X Open Selection Menu
Q, E Navigate Selection Menu
F Confirm selection in Selection Menu
Mouse movements Position Interactable (camera/light/character)
R Rotate Interactable when in placement mode (before you place it down)
Left Mouse button Place interactable (you can only place an Interactable if it is green)
Right Mouse button Cancel Interactable placement
P Pause all movement in the environment
Controlling Interactable objects
F Opens Interact Panel to adjust characteristics of Interactables (only when the Interactable is highlighted orange, i.e., it is near the centre of screen)
X Close Interactable object's Interact Panel
Packing icon (on Interact Panel) Pack up Interactable
Four-directional arrow (on Interact Panel) Change position of Interactable (it is green when it is in a permissible spot, red if you can’t place it there)
Viewfinder window
Tab Open or close the viewfinder window(s)
M Open Menu, including to exit ViewfindR
Loading Levels Open menu by pressing M and choose Load
Saving and submitting screenshots
Screenshots Screenshots can be saved from the Interact Panel of your camera
Location of screenshots Screenshots are saved in your Downloads folder
Submitting screenshots Head to the 'Levels' page using the navigation bar, and select the level on which you'd like to upload a screenshot.